Opinion: SCOTUS ruling has nationwide impact on property rights

By Brian Pate, Wake Forest Realtor, Owner of Pate Realty

On April 12, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court rendered a significant ruling regarding the interpretation and application of the “Takings Clause” as outlined in the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

This ruling, stemming from the case of Sheetz v. County of El Dorado, clarified the extent to which governmental bodies could impose fees and conditions on landowners seeking permits for land use.

In the case at hand, a couple residing in a rural area sought permission to erect a small, 1,800 square foot home on their residential property. However, their application for a permit was contingent upon payment of a substantial fee —specifically, a $23,420 “traffic impact fee” mandated by the county.

Despite the fee being calculated based on a predetermined rate schedule tied to the type of development and its location per the county’s General Plan, it did not directly correlate with the costs associated with the couple’s proposed project.

The landowners, under protest, acquiesced to the fee but subsequently initiated legal action, contending that it constituted an unconstitutional infringement upon their property rights.

While the California courts dismissed their claim, asserting that the Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause did not extend to takings imposed by legislative bodies, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to review the case to resolve conflicting interpretations among state courts.

The unanimous decision of the Supreme Court established that the protections afforded by the Takings Clause are equally applicable to regulatory actions undertaken by both legislative bodies and administrative agencies.

This means that governments cannot place unreasonable conditions on land-use permits that effectively deprive landowners of their property rights without fair compensation.

The Court articulated a two-part test, derived from previous cases (Nollan v. California Coastal Commission and Dolan v. City of Tigard), to evaluate the validity of permit conditions:

  • first, the condition must have a clear connection to the government’s interest in regulating land use, ensuring that it serves a legitimate public purpose;
  • second, the condition must be proportional to the impact of the proposed development on that interest, preventing the government from demanding more from the landowner than is necessary to mitigate the effects of the development.

However, the Court’s decision left room for interpretation and disagreement among the justices regarding its implications for future cases.

Justices Sotomayor and Jackson suggested that the legitimacy of a fee should be evaluated based on whether it would be considered fair if imposed outside the permit process.

In contrast, Justice Gorsuch emphasized the importance of individualized assessments in determining whether a fee amounts to an unconstitutional taking.

Justices Kavanaugh and Kagan cautioned that the ruling does not prohibit governments from implementing reasonable fee structures based on the type of development, rather than specific property parcels.

The ramifications of this decision extend beyond the immediate case, potentially influencing the landscape of land-use regulation and permitting nationwide.

Particularly in states like California, where local governments rely heavily on fees to fund public services and infrastructure, the ruling may lead to an increase in legal challenges against hefty fees levied on property owners.

Moreover, its impact on environmental regulations, such as those governed by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), remains uncertain.

Here in North Carolina, many municipalities use fees like this for traffic impact analysis, and sometimes require developers to increase road capacity with upgrades necessary to accommodate any future traffic increases resulting from development.

Ultimately, the Sheetz decision underscores the fundamental principle that property rights are entitled to robust protection under the Constitution, regardless of the entity imposing regulatory requirements.

Yet, the nuances of its application and the extent of its influence on future legal disputes will be determined through subsequent judicial interpretation and application.

