
September 7, 2024

Opinion: Hire them

Facilities Manager Mickey Rochelle’s problems with contracted cleaning services could be solved by taking the cleaning inhouse. Hire fulltime employees with benefits and give preference to local people.

It would accomplish several things. First, those employees with a chance for merit pay increases and cost-of-living adjustments would in all probability work faster and better, meaning there could be fewer people doing more. They would feel like part of the team, https://shlclubhouse.org/soma-online/ proud of their work. It would improve the local economy because people earning more than $12 an hour, as other town employees are, would earn $40,000 or more and have money to afford better housing, a better car, a better life for themselves and their family. Their improvement would help the local economy and the overall standard of living in Wake Forest.

Hire them.

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