
Opinion: A resident questions town’s SunTrust purchase

To the editor:

I have read the article concerning the former SunTrust Bank property that the Town of Wake Forest had purchased last year. I find it concerning that the Town has contracted with UNC to determine what is the best type of use for this property. I was not in favor of the town getting into the commercial real estate business and spoke against it publicly. The town assured everyone that it will be a great benefit to the residents. The only results I have seen so far is that a building sits empty that the taxpayer has to maintain and there are no property taxes or economic activity being generated from the property. So I ask “where is the benefit”?

I also wonder why the town had contracted with UNC for economic development as I was under the impression that the town already has an economic development director. This is a situation that I see as a duplication of services. The town employs someone for a specific job, and then contracts out to do the same thing. The town government of Wake Forest is getting too big as they are doing things that are outside the scope of the purpose of government. I also understand that the town wants to hire an architect prior to having a so called partner in the property. Different businesses have different needs for building usages, or so I thought. The town purchased this property on pure speculation and is now trying to decide what to do with the property.  The notion of “for the public good” should not apply to land speculation.  I hope that in the future our town leaders decide to refrain from continued commercial real estate speculation, as it is costing the taxpayer money.

Matthew S. Reck

Wake Forest


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9 Responses

  1. Hi Mr. Harrison:

    I think you won’t find anyone who has spent more time, or money, in our downtown historic district than me.

    Perhaps YOU need to step forward now. I would cheer you on—bring your wallet, and your willingness to help! And, positive ideas as to how to continue growth in our downtown.

    My thoughts: our town spending 1.5 million for the property, and tens of thousands to have it studied, is a waste. And, inconsistent with the capitalistic forces that have driven other development in “our great historical downtown district.”

    I am easy to find if you, Mr. Harrison, want to contact me directly. I would look forward to talking to you about your vision, and your ability/abilities to help.


    1. Hi Ms. Anthony,

      First of all, my comments were mainly directed toward the replies from those other than you. They seemed to just unfounded negative comments about the town or about specific property owners. I also want you to know that I appreciate your many contributions to our town over the years.

      As for me, I have served on the Wake Forest Downtown Board of Directors for over five years as well as a stint on the Wake Forest Chamber Board. I am not a developer, but I have made my contribution.

      Our historic Downtown has made significant progress over the last few years and projects such as Unwined on White, Bodega, Hatch and Powerhouse indicate a continuing confidence by developers and investors. We look forward to a continuation of growth.

      Anything that you can do to help will be very much appreciated.

      Regards, Bill

  2. I don’t agree with these comments!

    It would be more helpful if those complaining would put forward suggestions, funded improvement projects or got involved in other ways to improve our great historical downtown business district.

  3. The city has bought several building downtown. One building held an old laundry, another a dry cleaners, and there are several others. This makes it impossible for new business people to be able to build or occupy these buildings. The profits made buy the sale of these properties is outrageous and was paid to the good old boys who still own much of downtown.
    Our city does not need ANY empty building to stack a bunch of boxes in and park work trucks in front of. These building used to hold valid businesses that produced taxes, paychecks, and brought people down town.
    This needs to STOP!

  4. Yes Yes!! Town has made several questionable purchases
    over a short time period. How long will these be held before
    ANY type of construction and revenue will be realized???
    Walked thru the “park” area to downtown for the Car Show.
    That ” nature” area is in horrible condition. Why not improve
    and maintain what we already have??? New landscape
    by the college and railroad tracks is not maintained. Looks
    like no watering is done and plantings are dying. Sad
    situations to be adding more to the towns programs.

  5. As former owner of an interest in the building next door, as a long time downtown business owner, and as former member and chair of the Chamber of Commerce and the (now merged with the town) DRC:
    I, too, agree.
    Sue Anthony

  6. I agree. I hope Matthew Reck will run for town commissioner. He has my vote.

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