
New IoT sensors now scanning downtown crowds

The Town of Wake Forest recently installed IoT (Internet of Things) sensors at seven downtown locations along both South White Street and Owen Avenue.
Each location consists of three to four IoT sensors in the form of IP (Internet Protocol) cameras. These sensors will allow the Town to collect data on crowd density during downtown events, help public safety keep track of traffic and pedestrian flow, monitor temperature and air quality, and more. The cameras will not be accessible to the public and no personally identifiable information will be detected, sent, or stored.
As part of the same initiative, the Town is upgrading its fiber-optic infrastructure in the downtown area to support greater access to public Wi-Fi.
This project is supported by a grant from US Treasury as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds award totaling $14.5 million. For more information, visit https://bit.ly/TOWF_ARPA.

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4 Responses

  1. Seriously what in the HE!$ is going on with the leadership in Wake Forest? Cameras watching you at all times, overbearing police force, out of control, senseless and never-ending new construction, traffic nightmares worse by the week, backwards thinking on social progress, on and on and on. You are an absolute JOKE to the rest of Wake County and the surrounding area.

  2. I agree this is concerning. This article matches the information shown on the Town of Wake Forest website. Cameras installed to “collect data” on crowd density, traffic and pedestrian flow.

    Looks like we also need monitors for temperature and air quality. Why? Check one of many smartphone apps for this information from the EPA and National Weather Service. Maybe watch one of the local TV stations for the weather forecast and updates.

    I would like to see the business case for this spend. Tell us in 6 months or a year from now how this helped us. It looks like a poor choice to spend our federal tax dollars on this idea with funds from the American Rescue Plan Act.

    Thanks for the opportunity to comment.

    1. exactly. more like SPY cameras… its definately a privacy concern. what will the town of wake desert think of next? theyre sure not investing any money in “” AFFORDABLE HOUSING””

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