Mister Felix will be the lead-off music group as Music at Midday resumes on Thursday, Sept. 7. The musical series invites people to bring their lunch or order from dessert trucks while enjoying music from noon to 1 p.m. in Centennial Plaza in front of the Wake Forest Town Hall.
The sponsors, the Wake Forest Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department and Wake Forest ARTS, will present a different local musician or group every Thursday noontime through September. The lineup includes Capital Transit on Sept. 14, Dudley Baggett on Sept. 21 and Loos Change on Sept. 28.
The schedule for the different dessert trucks is available at www.wakeforestnc.gov where you can search Music at Midday or call Recreation Program Superintendent Monica Lileton at 919-435-9563, mlileton@wakeforestnc.gov.