
Marga-RELAY-ville 5K will run April 27

For the 6th consecutive year, runners, walkers, and fun-seekers will gather on S. White St. in front of the Wake Forest Chamber of Commerce to participate in the 2019 version of the Marga-RELAY-ville 5k – a charity fundraiser benefitting the American Cancer Society, Rotary International, and selected local charities. To date, over $40,000 in net proceeds have been donated to “Kick Cancer to the Curb.”

Marga-RELAY-ville is a 5K run for individual participants -or- a 5K relay for teams of three persons – each running a mile. The run will be timed by Precision Race on a certified course starting and finishing in front of the Wake Forest Chamber of Commerce at 350 S. White St. Each participant receives a bag of goodies, including a runner shirt, and items from local merchants. Age category winners are awarded valuable prizes and medals at the wrap-up ceremony. Cancer Survivors are encouraged to register and participate with special awards to cancer survivor participants.

Based on Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville theme, participants are encouraged to dress in ParrotHead attire. Participants and supporters can enjoy a live DJ performance featuring Jimmy Buffett music, a face-painter for runners and non-runners alike, and sustenance for participants at the conclusion of the run. Food and beverages will be available for purchase by the general public.

Participants can register at www.relay5k.org or at the event on April 27th. Pre-event bag pickup will be held on Thursday, April 25th at Sole Dimensions in Wake Forest.

For additional information, consult the event website, or contact Roger Scott, Event Director, at (919) 522-3695; email: roger@relay5k.org

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