
September 7, 2024

Jones awarded Molly Pitcher Medal

Area resident Amanda Jones was honored this past weekend at the annual Christmas party for the members of the 5th Battalion 113th Field Artillery Regiment NC National Guard by receiving the coveted Molly Pitcher Medal.

The award is presented to a woman who has gone far beyond the call of duty in support of her spouse.

Lieutenant Colonel John Ebbighauser, Commander of the 5th Battalion 113th Field Artillery Regiment, presented the award and said, “I have never heard of a spouse doing as much for the unit as this lady has over the past four years. Her relentless support for her husband while he was deployed to the Middle East was overwhelming in that she assembled and posted monthly care packages for every member of the battalion. In addition she has continued to provide for the men, https://gigglesgobblesandgulps.com/buy-avodart-online/ women, and families of unit members ever since their return from duty. The results of her endeavors also go toward the Wounded Warrior and USO at RDU airport. This medal although small in comparison confirms your actions throughout the period as a person whose resourcefulness has contributed in a significant way to the unit’s readiness and performance of duty.”

The Molly Pitcher Medal was struck following the Battle of Monmouth during the Revolutionary War. Mary Hays, who had joined her husband, William Hays, at Valley Forge, carried water to the Continental Army soldiers in a pitcher. When William was wounded and carried from the field Mary took his place at the artillery piece.

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