Jay Jay, Sandy Matthews are Good Neighbors

The Wake Forest Human Relations Council is pleased to announce that Jay Jay Wilson and Sandy Matthews are Wake Forest’s 2023 Youth and Adult Good Neighbors of the Year. The honorees were announced during today’s Good Neighbor Day celebration at E. Carroll Joyner Park. Each was presented with a commemorative plaque.

In her nomination narrative, Margaret Watkins acknowledged Wilson’s efforts to raise awareness about PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal) and PANS (Pediatric Acute Neuropsychiatric Syndrome).

“Many kids are misdiagnosed if ever correctly diagnosed at all,” wrote Watkins. “He has raised money by selling T-shirts. All proceeds are donated to the PANDAS nonprofit advocacy group.”

Watkins also highlighted Wilson’s impact on Wake Forest and beyond.

“Jay Jay is one of the advocates who persuaded the mayor (that) Wake Forest needed an all-inclusive playground. Jay Jay has a TikTok account where he shares his medical endeavors searching for a cure. He also shares his weekly adventures with the world.

I call him Mr. Hollywood because of his award-winning smile. It is impossible to spend a minute with him and not walk away with a smile and a more positive outlook on life. Jay Jay has and will continue changing the lives of everyone he meets. Especially for the citizens of Wake Forest.”

Michael Burger nominated Matthews who serves as the Director of Operations at Tri-Area Ministry Food Pantry.

“In this role, she orchestrates the distribution of food to nearly 1,500 food-insecure families each month,” wrote Burger. “Sandy coordinates the acquisition of food from the Food Bank, suppliers and donors, manages the schedule of volunteers, supervises the storage, packaging and distribution of the food, and generally keeps things running smoothly.”

According to Burger, Matthews “volunteers in excess of 60 hours per week, every week. She has been a volunteer at Tri-Area Ministry for eight years and a member of the Board of Directors for the past five years.”

Burger concluded by noting Matthews’ humility, compassion, and concern for others.

“Sandy is among the most humble people I know,” he wrote. “She deflects accolades and seeks to stay out of the spotlight, preferring to be the person behind the scenes making it all happen. She says that volunteering to feed the hungry is her calling, and she willingly devotes her time without seeking recognition. She is always compassionate and non-judgmental and sets the tone by always keeping the needs of the clients in mind.”

The HRC solicits youth and adult nominations for the Good Neighbor of the Year award each year from April through August and announces the winners during Good Neighbor Day. For more information, visit wakeforestnc.gov and search “Good Neighbor Day” or contact Human Resources Director Angela McCray at amccray@wakeforestnc.gov.

