How would you improve Capital Boulevard now?

Given that we are not entirely confidant that the North Carolina Department of Transportation will actually buy the necessary land in 2024 and begin construction of the six-lane limited access road in 2025, The Wake Forest Gazette would like its readers to engage in a little “what-if” scenario.
What if there are the usual DOT delays and excuses, what would you do to improve your daily commute, your trip to Raleigh to see a doctor or a performance, to shop or to visit friends? You are allowed to have control of all the funding necessary to carry out your dream and to have immediate installation of all your projects.
This is not a contest, because the Gazette does not have any funds to award winners and because all the contestants are by their own definition and ours winners.
Be creative, be practical, yank out traffic signals or install new ones, add traffic lanes, rework the Neuse River bridge.
Entertain us or show us how ingenuity might work better than the blunt force tactics DOT employs.
Please send all your what-ifs to


3 Responses

  1. I believe a “ no trucks in left lane” between say Hwy 98 and Burlington Mills Rd would help a great deal.

  2. stop issuingbuilding permits for people to build town houses unless the add money to improve roads too. I don’t see a solution to undo the damage done to our rural area at this late state. Leith cars has several car dealers built on land needed for roads, and I cdan’t see Leith giving up those car lots. I thought that Dot could take land built in a planned road coroda with out paying for it.

  3. 2 recommendations

    1. Link development approval to highway improvements. This will automatically delay development and prevent the traffic from getting worse.
    2. Bring the prisoners out for highway construction.