Historic properties contest for 11th graders

The Wake County Historic Preservation Commission is pleased to announce an historic preservation themed essay contest for 11th graders in Wake County. The theme for this year’s contest is Endangered Historic Properties in Wake County.

Each entry should include a completed official entry form, essay, and three original photos or illustrations of an endangered property within the confines of Wake County. The essay must be between 3-5 pages in length, with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced, and with 1” margins. The essay will be submitted in hard copy form and a CD. Source citations should use the Kate L. Turabian citation format which can be found online.

Essays may be mailed (Wake County Historic Preservation Commission, c/o Capital Area Preservation, PO Box 28072, Raleigh, NC 27611) or delivered to Capital Area Preservation, 1101 Haynes #001, Raleigh, NC 27604.

The student’s example should highlight an historic property that is “endangered,” meaning there is potential for it to be lost forever because of demolition, neglect, inappropriate development, environmental damage, and/or lack of funding to maintain and preserve the property. Historic properties must have been constructed at least 50 years ago (age requirement for properties to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places), located in Wake County, and can include houses, commercial buildings, churches, schools, farms, and barns.

The entries must be submitted by 5 p.m. Nov. 21, and the winner will be notified by March 1.

The essay must contain information or a discussion about the following topics:

  1.  The endangerment to the property and what led to its endangerment.
  1.  If there are any plans to preserve or rehabilitate and reuse the property.     Register Nomination for the property at the State Historic Preservation Office d.   The property’s importance to the county and/or state’s sense of place and history.       (Municipal Planning Directors may be helpful)        property be considered for reuse or rehabilitation (the act or process of making          while preserving those portions or features which convey its historical, cultural or g.   Explain possible solutions for how to rehabilitate and re-use the site. Students can     comparisons or suggestions throughout the essay.
  2.      refer to county and state preservation success stories as case studies for
  3.        architectural values)? Students should imagine possible uses for the property.
  4.        possible a compatible use for a property through repair, alterations and additions
  5. f.     What does the student think should be done with the property?   Should the
  6. e.   Current efforts to preserve the site, to the best of the student’s knowledge.
  7.      (see list of sources).
  8. c. The historical significance of the property: Check to see if there is a National
  1.    Some sites and websites that may help you with your research:       Capital Area Preservation       National Register, specifically http://www.hpo.ncdcr.gov/nrlist.htm       Olivia Raney Library Historic Preservation Resources Collection Please print or type  School______________________________________________  Address_____________________________________________  Telephone number or email address_________________________
  2.                                                __________________________________
  3. Address or location of property________________________________
  4. Name of endangered property_________________________________
  5. City, State, ZIP________________________________________
  6. Teacher/advisor_______________________________________
  7. Student Name______________________________________ Date_______________
  8. Essay Form
  9. The winners will receive the following: $600 for first place, $300 for second place and $100 for third place. The awards will be made at the annual Historic Preservation Celebration in May of 2015. For more information about the contest, call Capital Area Preservation at 919-833-6404 or Jeremy E. Bradham and capjbradham@aol.com.
  10.        Local historical societies
  11.        State Historic Preservation Office
  12.        Wake County Planning or municipal planning offices