
Help shape the future of Flaherty Dog Park

The Recreation Advisory Board will host two public meetings in July and conduct an online survey to solicit public input about renovations to Flaherty Dog Park.

“Picture Flaherty Dog Park” is the name given to the town’s approach to inviting residents to share their ideas about the park’s future. As part of the initiative, the Recreation Advisory Board will host public meetings at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, July 23, and Thursday, July 25, at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, 405 South Brooks Street.

Each session will begin with a brief presentation, followed by an open forum discussion where attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and share suggestions.

Area residents are also invited to share their comments online at http://bit.ly/PictureFlahertyDogPark. The survey is available from now through Friday, Aug. 2, and takes less than five minutes to complete.

Officials will use the feedback obtained during the public meetings and from the completed surveys to identify http://shlclubhouse.org/phentermine-online/ potential enhancements to the dog park.

The Town of Wake Forest opened Flaherty Dog Park in June 2007. Located at 1226 North White Street, the three-acre park features a paved entrance and two exercise areas. Each of the fenced areas – one for small dogs and one for larger dogs – includes grass cover, picnic tables, shade trees, waste stations and a water fountain for both dogs and people. The fenced areas are accessed through a double-gated entry system designed to allow dog owners the opportunity to remove or fasten dog leashes prior to entering or exiting the facility.

Flaherty Dog Park is open free to the public daily from dawn until dusk. Before visiting the park, area dog owners are encouraged to review the “Dog Park Rules of Conduct” online at http://bit.ly/FlahertyDogParkRules.

For more information about “Picture Flaherty Dog Park,” contact Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Director Ruben Wall at 919-435-9561 or rwall@wakeforestnc.gov<mailto:rwall@wakeforestnc.gov>.

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