Gearing up for the Meet

This year’s arts and crafts street fair in downtown Wake Forest, Meet in the Street on Saturday, May 7, will have some changes and needs some volunteers.

The biggest change is that there will be a free continuous shuttle service to help solve the parking problems. Visitors can park at the Wake Forest Target store at 12000 Retail Drive and hop onto one of the two YMCA buses for the short trip to Brooks Street across from La Foresta, which is just one block from the blocked-off South White Street. The shuttle buses will run from 9:30 a.m. until the last trip from downtown back to the Target parking lot at 5:30 p.m.

Meet in the Street runs from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. all along South White Street and the volunteers are needed for two-hour shifts to help check in the vendors, help the vendors unload quickly, guard the parking lot, make sure only those with handicapped signs park in the assigned slots, set up the art show, man the information booth and do a number of other necessary jobs. Contact Sherry Forbes at the Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce to sign up:, 919-556-1915.
