
Food Security Group meets Jan. 29


The next meeting of the Food Security group will be held Tuesday, Jan. 29, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the ground-floor meeting room in the Wake Forest Town Hall. This is best accessed from the South Taylor Street entrance. It is a working lunch meeting.

Those who have not attended before but are concerned and interested in solving the problems of food access are invited to attend.

There are four working groups – Food Access, Communication and Education, Sustainable Food Supply and Leading Through Networks – to address the different facets of food insecurity. Volunteers are always welcome.

The food access group is focused on food access and delivery particularly for seniors, expanding the summer meal program, improve the supply chain for available food, and provide a two-way loop bus route in Wake Forest.

Communication and education is working to support a strong volunteer network.

Sustainable food supply plans to add four more community gardens and provide seeds, work with Jason Brown, who is planting two different tomatoes, five acres of corn, sweet potatoes and watermelon and one to two acres of garden plants. In addition, they are working to add more farms to the gleaning program.

Leading through networks continues to document the group’s progress, provide talking points and encourage people to speak about the successes at town, school and civic meetings.

There is more happening in each group. Come to the Jan. 29 meeting to learn how you can help.



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