
Filing starts Friday for WF town board

Filing begins Friday, July 5, for three open seats on the Wake Forest Board of Commissioners, and as of this week there are two announced candidates, Chad Sary and Heather Holding.

Of the three commissioners whose terms end in December, Commissioner Greg Harrington announced at the June 18 town board meeting that he will not run for a third term; Commissioner Anne Reeve, who has said she is still deciding, is probably out of town because she did not respond to an email this week; and Commissioner Brian Pate said earlier this year he will not try for a second term.

Sary, who made his candidacy public Monday, July 1, was an employee of the Town of Wake Forest for almost 15 years as a planner, senior planner and assistant planning director. He also serviced on many committees and was involved in many community events while with the town. He now is a municipal planning consultant.

Sary grew up in Edenton and moved to Wake Forest in 2004. He is a graduate of East Carolina University, where he met Tracy, his wife of 19 years. They have two sons, Ben and Nicholas.

His website is www.chadsary, which provides more information and the reason he will be a candidate: “I believe the Town of Wake Forest deserves leaders who are innovative, experienced and have an understanding of the history of our great town. Local governments have two primary obligations to their citizens, 1) to provide protection & emergency services that ensure public safety and 2) provide a variety of services that improve their quality of life.

“Spending most of my career involved in the planning profession, it is natural for me to be forward thinking. This fall’s election presents an opportunity to bring innovative thinking, experience and appreciation of our past to the table.”

Holding has lived most of her life in Wake Forest and is a realtor with eXp Realty, and she has a substantial resume as a volunteer. In 2012 she was recognized as Citizen of the Year by the Wake Forest Community Council. She has two young daughters.

Her campaign is #Heather4WakeForest. Anyone who wants to participate in her listening tour is asked to contact her at heather4wakeforest@gmail.com, by phone 919-815-5927, through her campaign Facebook page www.facebook.com/heather4wakeforest or Messenger m.me/Heather4WakeForest.

The filing period for the November 5 nonpartisan election begins at noon on Friday, July 5, and ends at noon on Friday, July 19. The filing fee is $15. Candidates must be town residents, 21 years or older and qualified voters.

Wake Forest elections are nonpartisan and the terms of board members are staggered. Mayor Vivian Jones was elected to a fifth term in 2017, and Commissioners Liz Simpers and Bridget Wall-Lennon were elected to their first terms.

The commissioners have a number of duties, mostly meetings. They have a work session on the first Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m., attend the public hearings during the planning board meeting that same night at 7:30, and hold a regular voting session on the third Tuesday at 7 p.m. They also hold a planning retreat early each year. Each commissioner is assigned to one or more of the advisory boards as an ex officio member to serve as a liaison to the town board. Each commissioner receives information about each agenda item from town staff. In addition, they are expected to attend town events throughout the year and to respond to town residents who call, email or visit them about town problems or issues.


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One Response

  1. I want to thank Commissioner Harrington for his service to our town. I first met him when we both worked on the First Night Committee over a decade ago. He was still Chief at the time. I have disagreed with some of his votes and agreed with others, but I know him well enough that his interest was always what he thought was best for Wake Forest. Enjoy the free time Commissioner.

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