Fast donations sending WF band to big game

Within minutes Friday night after the Wake Forest Cougars beat Garner to go to Saturday night’s 4AA championship game in Winston-Salem, Wake Forest Band Boosters President Brian Burnett began planning how to transport the Wake Forest High School Band to the game.

By Sunday night he could email the group that half the $1,200 needed had been raised, and Monday afternoon Burnett was thanking everyone because donations were at $1,600 and growing.

Here’s his message of thanks.

“I wanted to thank everyone that has donated and made it possible for the band to get a charter bus to go to the state championship game this Saturday. The original goal was $1200 then it was learned that the final quote was $1400 and there were fees associated with the go fund me site so the goal was set at $1600.

“The go fund me option was not set up until last night and we have reached $1600 already!! It’s amazing to see everyone come together to support the band in such strong fashion. The donation link will be left open for a day or so and any additional funds will cover any other costs that arise or go into the general band fund for future expenses. Spread our thanks to others that donated as well. Next Saturday will be a very exciting day for our Marching Cougars as they attend the WF Parade and the state Championship game!! Go Cougars!!
