Dunn Creek Greenway closed temporarily

Beginning Monday, Dec. 11, Wellons Construction, Inc., a contractor working on the Friendship Chapel Road (FCR) Eastern Extension on behalf of JPM South, will temporarily close a portion of the Dunn Creek Greenway in the vicinity of Wilts Dairy Point (see attached map). The closure is necessary to allow crews to extend Friendship Chapel Road from Heritage Hills Way to Remey Avenue effectively connecting FCR from South Main Street/US 1A to Jones Dairy Road.

Signage and barricades will be posted to inform the public of the closure, as well as the signed detour directing trail users around the closure via Wilts Dairy Point, Friendship Chapel Road, and Heritage Lake Road.

Construction is expected to be completed in early summer 2024.

For more information, visit https://bit.ly/FCREasternExtension or contact Assistant Stormwater Engineer Nick Nolte at 919-435-9449 or nnolte@wakeforestnc.gov.

The Dunn Creek Greenway begins at the Smith Creek Soccer Center, 690 Heritage Lake Road, and extends north to the pedestrian culvert under Dr. Calvin Jones Highway/NC 98 Bypass. Measuring one mile, the 10-foot wide paved and boardwalk trail is designed for biking, hiking, and enjoying nature. For more information, visit wakeforestnc.gov and search “Dunn Creek Greenway.”
