Have you noticed the new planters filled with flowers along downtown South White Street?
This is a joint project spearheaded by Louise Howard and the Wake Forest Garden Club, Downtown Wake Forest and the Town of Wake Forest. The garden club contributed 65 percent of the cost of the planters, Downtown Wake Forest contributed 35 percent and the town will pay its landscaper to fill the planters with flowers, maintain and water them.
Also, Alan Brown – should we call him Downtown Alan Brown because of his promotion and backing of our downtown and its shops and activities? – has produced a new segment about downtown Wake Forest for “North Carolina Weekend,” which will air on WUNC-TV (Channel 4) at 9 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 21, and again on Friday, Aug. 22, at 8:30 p.m.
Brown filmed it, he said, in bits and pieces during the last half of July and early August in response to an email the producer of “North Carolina Weekend” received from a Chapel Hill woman who had visited her daughter and family who live in Wake Forest. “She had a wonderful day in town on the 4th of July, and mentioned a handful of places they visited that day. She wondered if we had done something on downtown WF, and if not, hoped that we would.”
Brown said, “When you watch the story on downtown WF, you will notice that a valiant effort was made to get as many places as possible in the story, so it moves along fairly quickly.” The segment lasts about four minutes.
Brown has produced a number of stories for “North Carolina Weekend” about downtown and other parts of Wake Forest. Those include Art After Hours, HerbFest, the Artists’ Studio Tour, Southern Classic Cars, Six Sundays in Spring, the Lions Gate Inn (the town’s only bed and breakfast is on North Main Street) and Over the Falls restaurant. He has also featured the Preddyfest bluegrass festival near town and Hill Ridge Farm outside Youngsville.
After this week’s show airs, it will be available on the station’s website, www.unctv.org and later on its YouTube channel.