Wake Forest adopted the Renaissance Plan for the Heart of Wake Forest in 2004, 12 years ago, and this year the plan is getting an update. You can be a part of the decisions made about the downtown area that will guide investment and development for another 10 or 12 years by attending some (or all) of the meetings planned for four days next week.
The Renaissance Area stretches from the CSX railroad line east to South Allen Road and South Franklin Street, from the N.C. 98 Bypass (Dr. Calvin Jones Highway) north to Spring Street. It is the heart of the town.
An international consulting firm, Stantec, has been chosen to help shape the plan update and will do so by partly by involving local people in discussions and information sessions over four days next week followed by the presentation of the first draft of the update on Tuesday, May 10 at 6 p.m. in Wake Forest Town Hall.
The group has been asked to address several concerns:
— A market study identifying market readiness and barriers to appropriate development
— Housing infill
— Detailed streetscape plan for all streets
— Strategies for prioritizing how people move around by bicycle, on foot or on a bus
— Parking strategies including management and on-street and off-street parking areas
— Identification and tabulation of private development and redevelopment opportunities
— Desirable conditions to attract new retail, restaurant, office and housing
— Key urban design principles for new development and redevelopment
— Events and marketing strategies
— Implementation strategies including timing, phasing, funding and partnerships.
The Stantec design group will be in the first-floor training room at Wake Forest Town Hall from Monday, April 25, through Thursday, April 29, for Downtown Design Week and they invite town residents and downtown merchants to come to see their progress, ask questions and offer opinions. The schedule is:
Monday, April 25
1 p.m. Public utilities – water, sewer, storm water, electric, telecom and gas
2:30 p.m. Historic District and historic structures
4 p.m. AIA Charrette Results
7 p.m. Public Kickoff Workshop with background information and a presentation about national best practices in traditional urban design, transportation, zoning and preserving community character. That will be followed by a hands-on design session where all attendees formulate a vision for development of the Renaissance Area.
Tuesday, April 26
9 a.m. Event programming
10:30 a.m. Housing (new housing)
Noon A repeat of the Retail 101 Workshop
1 p.m. Parking
2:30 p.m. Mobility – transit, street, bicycles and pedestrians
4 p.m. Neighborhood leaders and homeowners associations
5:15 p.m. Daily update and design pin-up session
Wednesday, April 27
9 a.m. Streetscape design and gateways
10:30 a.m. Parks, greenways and public space
1 p.m. Open session
2:30 p.m. Redevelopment tools
5:15 p.m. Daily update and design pin-up session
Thursday, April 28
9 a.m. to noon Open session
1 to 5 p.m. Open session
5:15 p.m. Daily update and design pin-up session
One Response
As usual, the Town of Wake Forest is catering to the needs of developers and investment groups. Why are none of the scheduled focus groups and meetings scheduled for times when working residents of the town can attend? I find this – and other pro-developer decisions – by our town government alarming. Anyone else disturbed by how our town represents our own interests?