
Cops arrest 10 for DWI over weekend

“There’s no excuse for impaired driving, and we have a zero-tolerance policy against it,” Police Chief Jeff Leonard said. “Driving under the influence is careless and reckless and endangers the lives of drivers, their passengers, and others on the road.”

Wake Forest officers arrested and charged 10 people for Driving While Impaired (DWI) over the weekend and 19 since July 1. For the year, Wake Forest Police have arrested 103 people for DWI – up from 58 over the same period last year, close to double.

That sharp increase bucks a sad national trend showing deaths caused by intoxicated drivers has increased — 13,524 in 2022, 37 people nationally died every day — while DWI arrests are down. That recent article in The Wall Street Journal — written by Scott Calvert, May 24, 2024 — also said states continue to use the same standard for intoxication — 0.08 blood alcohol level — while there are a large number of deaths and accidents from much lower blood alcohol levels.

Locally, we all remember the family of three who were killed in Garner on Memorial Day by a teenage driver with drug (marijuana) paraphernalia in his car who had been drinking alcohol.

Leonard strongly encourages community members who choose to travel and choose to drink alcohol to plan ahead by designating a sober driver or by using a ride sharing service.

“A taxi, Uber, or Lyft are all a lot cheaper than what a DWI would cost or even worse, what a deadly crash will cost you and others,” he said.

Those convicted of DWI face up to $13,500 in legal fees for a first offense, along with driver’s license suspension.

Leonard says Wake Forest Police officers will continue to be on the lookout for intoxicated drivers.

“Impaired driving is entirely preventable,” said Leonard. “You have a choice. If you’ve been drinking, make the right choice by finding a sober driver or alternate transportation to take you where you’re going safely.”


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