
September 7, 2024

Christmas Dinner Monday

Wake Forest residents have been gathering for a community Christmas dinner for more than 70 years, and this year it will be held Monday, Dec. 7, at 6:30 p.m. at The Forks Cafeteria.

Tickets are $15 each – there may not be any available at the door – and can be purchased at The Wake Forest Weekly, the Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Wake Forest Historical Museum or from any committee member such as Commissioner Greg Harrington and Jill Bright.

During the dinner Mayor Vivian Jones will present the awards for the Citizen of the Year, the Organization of the Year and the Peggy Allen Lifetime Achievement Award.

There was a call this fall for nominations from area residents and the people and organizations nominated were voted on by secret ballot at the November meeting of the Wake Forest Community Council. All organizations in the Wake Forest area and residents can join the council – dues are $10 a year – and only those who join in the first six months of the year are eligible to vote on the award nominations.

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