Capital Blvd. plans to be aired at open house June 21

The NC Department of Transportation will host a combined open house public meeting and public hearing for the proposed Capital Boulevard North Upgrade (Raleigh to Wake Forest) improvements Wednesday, June 21, at Living Word Family Church, 10520 Star Road. The public meeting is scheduled from 4 to 6:30 p.m. with the public hearing to follow at 7 p.m.
This meeting will be about only one of the four planned sections, the one from U.S. I-540 to the Durant Road/Perry Creek Road intersection. The other sections would advance the road to Burlington Mills Road, then to the NC 98 (Durham Road) intersection and finally to the Purnell Road/Harris Road intersection. That last section has not been funded yet.
NCDOT proposes to convert US 1/Capital Boulevard to a controlled access highway from I-540 in Raleigh to Purnell Road (S.R. 1909) / Harris Road (S.R. 1931) in Wake Forest. A controlled-access highway is one on which access is provided only via ramps at interchanges. Some cross-streets will be grade-separated, and no driveway connections will be allowed.
The purpose of the project is to reduce traffic congestion and improve travel times and maintain regional mobility and local connectivity.
The June 21 public meeting is intended to inform the public of the proposed project and gather input on the proposed design. The public hearing will include an explanation of the recommended alternatives, land acquisition, relocation requirements, and other related procedures. Residents will have the opportunity to comment. The public hearing will be recorded, and a written transcript will be prepared.
NCDOT representatives will be available to answer questions and receive comments. The comments and information received will be taken into consideration as work on the project develops.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services for disabled persons who wish to participate in this meeting. Persons requiring these services are urged to contact Diane Wilson at 919-707-6073 or as early as possible.
The Town of Wake Forest is sharing this information as a courtesy. For more information or to submit comments, visit the NCDOT’s public input portal at


2 Responses

  1. Update- In the Town Board Work Session on Tuesday, June 6, NCDOT notified Commissioners, Mayor Jones and Town Manager Kip Pagett that the funding for sections B, C and D have been pulled from this project and those sections will now have to go back to prioritization at the state level. Apparently the money was moved to another project down in the Fayetteville area.
    Part of the challenge was that since the first approval of the project in 2016, the cost has more than doubled. Along with that, the lack of gas tax money during the Pandemic reduced the amount the NCDOT received by over 25%, thereby pushing off many projects into the future.
    It is IMPERATIVE that citizens communicate directly with NCDOT to urge them to fund the remaining project in order to reduce traffic backups in Wake Forest.