
The Wake County North Regional Center is collecting donations for Hurricane Dorian Bahamas Relief through Saturday, Sept. 21.

The center is at 360 East Holding Avenue in Wake Forest. The list of items needed include ready-to-eat meals, tents, Pampers (all sizes), baby formula (food, powdered milk), baby wipes, hygiene kits, cases of bottled water, first aid items, nonperishable food, batteries (D, AA), cleaning supplies, flashlights, insect repellents, blankets/towels, sanitary items, toothpaste/brushes, tissue paper, paper towels, hand sanitizer, adult cots, plastic tarps, disposable cutlery (prepackage cutlery, cups, plates).

*The Wake Forest Farmers Market will be open from 8 a.m. to noon this Saturday, Sept. 21, in the employee parking lot along South Taylor Street behind Wake Forest Town Hall.

Local farmers and artisans will have meats, seasonal vegetables, bread, baked good and other local wares for sale. See the market’s Facebook page for information about the vendors and sign up for a weekly notice about the offerings that Saturday. Remember the Wake Forest Farmers Market is unusual in that it is owned by the farmers who sell their wares there.

*Monday Night Bingo at The Factory is hosted by the Wake Forest Kiwanis Club in the Mill Room from 7 to 9:30 p.m. every Monday night. All profits support the club’s projects for children. Visit for more information.

*Tri-Area Ministry Food Pantry at 149 East Holding Avenue is now open from 9 to 11 a.m. every third Saturday along with its regular hours on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for food distribution. It serves about 700 families in Wake Forest, Youngsville, Rolesville and their surrounding areas. Call 919-556-7144 for information about receiving food, volunteering and donations. You can send donations to Tri-Area at PO Box 1394, Wake Forest NC 27588.

*Hope House Weekly Food Pantry distributes food at 1 p.m. every Thursday. Hope House volunteers pick up the food from the Food Bank of Eastern and Central North Carolina and the house typically has vegetables, fruits, salad packages and breads but sometimes does have meat, eggs, fruit juice and milk. Hope House is at 334 North Allen Road. For more information, call Norma Bennekin at 919-263-1007.

*Hope House serves a free nutritious filling dinner to everyone who needs on at 6:30 p.m. every day except Saturday. Hope House is at 334 North Allen Road.

*The 40th annual Wake Forest CROP Walk will take place on Sunday, Sept. 22. For more information, go to and see article in this week’s edition.

*Chick-fil-A Food Drive for Tri-Area Ministry will be held Tuesday, Sept. 24, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at 11730 Retail Drive, Wake Forest. Bring three cans of nonperishable food and receive a free chicken sandwich. You can also bring six cans or any multiple of three to get more sandwiches.

*Forest Moon Theater will present “Steel Magnolias” over two weekends in September, and tickets are available at the Renaissance Centre box office. The play will be staged Friday through Sunday on Sept. 20 to 23 and Sept. 27 to 29.

*The 2019 Irish Fest will be back in Wake Forest on Saturday, Sept. 21, from 3 to 10 p.m. on South Taylor Street between Wait and Elm Avenues.

*The 2019 Good Neighbor Day in Wake Forest will be held between 1 and 4 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 21, at E. Carroll Joyner Park on Harris Road. Everyone is invited to share good food, fun, music and fellowship.

*The Koinonia Pumpkin Patch selling autumn and Thanksgiving wreaths, pumpkins and hay bales will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the corner at the Wake Forest Historical Museum, 414 North Main Street, from Wednesday, Sept. 25, through Sunday, Sept. 29, or until they are sold out.

*The third Wake Forest Dance Festival will be held in E. Carroll Joyner Park on Saturday, Oct. 5.

*The 14th annual Gobbler’s Run 5K will take place Thanksgiving morning, Nov. 28, at the Wake Forest Boys and Girls Club at 325 South Wingate Street. Be advised that it is capped at 2,300 runners this year so register early. Register online at

*A Light in the Forest, the second annual Wake Forest Film Festival, will be held Friday and Saturday on March 13 and 14, and tickets will go on sale Nov. 1.

