Brief Feb. 24 meeting fruitful

In anticipation of the threatening winter storm, the Wake Forest Town Board held an early and abbreviated – 34 minutes – meeting that began at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 24.

During that 34 meeting, they heard from one person about the proposed five-year Capital Improvement Plan, adopted the Wake County Emergency Operations Plan and the county Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, approved text amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance, approved the revised plan for the Franklin Street Townhomes project, approved the rezoning for a subdivision requested by Michael G. and Thomas K. Bolus on Wait Avenue, approved issuing $4.33 million in bonds for street, park and greenway improvements, and approved funding a traffic signal at Franklin Street and the N.C. 98 Bypass.

Whew! Oh, wait. They also approved an easement for the new bridge on Forestville Road and an additional lane on the bridge.

Matt Reck spoke about the CIP, saying he wanted the town to install sidewalks along the north side of West Holding Avenue where the town required St. Catherine of Siena Church to build sidewalks on the south side as part of the construction of the new church.

Reck also said there were items in the five-year pan that could also be paid through the recent approved bonds. He suggested the town ask citizens who had supported those items to contribute to a fund to offset the cost as now all citizens thought they were needed.

Drew Bridges, a downtown merchant, thanked the board for the meeting with the Governmental  Affairs Committee and the police department for hearing his concerns about problems along South White Street.
