Brief Bits

Last week Mayor Vivian Jones said she had been assured by state Senators Chad Barefoot and Neal Hunt and by Rep. Chris Malone that the proposed legislation which would take away the town’s ability to enact any ordinance regulating trees on private property has very little chance of being enacted.

That said, experience has shown that what is said at the beginning of a legislative session can bear no resemblance to what is enacted during the session. We will keep watch.

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Ronnee Nelson was the winner of the gift basket drawing by the Friends of Wake Forest Library during their recent membership drive. The basket was presented to Nelson by Louise Bishop, the children’s librarian and acting manager, and Kathleen Ross, president of the Friends.

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Wake Forest ARTS is enjoying the tremendous community response to its Six Sundays in Spring concert series – 2,500 people were in E. Carroll Joyner Park on Mother’s Day, but they are also “desperate for volunteers” to help manage the crowds, Mary Petretich told the Wake Forest Community Council. If you can help for a few hours Sunday afternoons for the next three weeks – or just one Sunday or two – send a note to

This week’s concert features Boneslinger, a group formed by Dave Wright, a vocalist and trombonist formerly with The Countdown Quartet and the Squirrel Nut Zippers. They have a killing retro vibe echoing R&B and New Orleans jazz.
