
Brief Bits

Are you wondering what has happened with the request made by the Wake Forest Fire Department to the Town of Wake Forest to study the feasibility of making the independent department part of town government? Not much yet is the answer.

The Nov. 9 letter from the department was made public during the Nov. 20 town board meeting, and the commissioners voted that night to hire a private company to conduct that study.

This week Town Manager Kip Padgett said no firm has been selected. “We have a meeting this week with a potential firm so we can discuss what we are looking for and what they can offer.”

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Speaking of the fire department, the very entertaining program put together by Captain Ben Davis, a second-generation Wake Forest fireman, for the Wake Forest Historical Association’s meeting on Sunday, Jan. 13, is now available as a video on the Wake Forest Historical Museum’s Facebook page. “From Buckets to Hook & Ladder” gave everyone a real sense of the need for a fire department – not started until 1921 a year after the town began installing water and sewer lines, water lines that had hydrants. The video was taped and provided by Ryan Keith, a board member with the historical association.


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