Brief Bits

The Gazette editor is apologizing for having the wrong name for the Citizen of the Year for 2018. It was David Greenwell, the owner of The Forks Cafeteria who was chosen as Citizen of the Year for his generosity to many area residents and organizations. We apologize to Mr. Greenwell.

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This is a somewhat abbreviated issue of the Gazette for several reasons. Monday surely looked like a snow day and I treated it as such with a long nap and short time at the computer. Tuesday almost all the afternoon was taken up with a visit to my spine surgeon, who said I was doing fine for my age and the recovery stage, four weeks, because I am using a cane instead of a walker. Then one Cash Points was out of service so we had to drive more to get to the second one, and after that I really needed a nap.

I will try to do better next week.

