
Brief Bits

On this Veterans Day weekend, it was distressing to read in The News & Observer that “Military families – even those with VA benefits – often face health care bills they can’t pay, raising their risk for depression, substance abuse and suicide. That’s why we’ve launched The War Within Initiative to abolish millions in military medical debt. Every dollar our readers contribute forgives $100 in unpaid medical bills. To donate, visit mcclatchy.com/warwithin.” I’m donating; I hope many of you are.

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Why, I ask, did the N&O add a snowfall section in its weather? Are they really thinking this area will get enough snow to make it interesting? Better they should follow the Redfield, NY snowfall measurer, Carolyn Yerdon, who has been recording record snowfalls. Find her at https://twitter.com/CYerdon.

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There are few soldiers in our family’s history, but my brother, Gary, told me about one. Our great-uncle – Grandma Susie’s younger brother Ward – was in World War I. Do not know if he enlisted or was drafted, but he ended up on a boat in New York harbor on the day the Armistice took effect. In uniform but happily not in the war, he later went back home to live on and work the family farm just outside Orwell.

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