Brief Bits

Would you “relish” the chance to “meat” the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile? You will have a chance on Monday, April 2, between 2 and 5 p.m. when the motorized hot dog will be at the Publix in Wake Forest at 1030 Forestville Road. You can take photos, collect weenie whistles and even tour the inside of the 27-foot vehicle.

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There is also the opportunity to tour the South Wake Landfill this spring. Tours of the 700-acre facility where most Wake County garbage goes are being scheduled for March through June although the March tour is already fully booked. The tours take about an hour on a bus and you can learn what not to put in the trash, how to increase recycling and reduce waste at home. You will also learn how the Landfill Gas program is turning trash into energy.

The tours for April 11, May 12 and June 13 each take about an hour. To get on that bus, go to the county’s waste management division website at The landfill is at 6000 Old Smithfield Road in Apex.
