A veteran’s view of Memorial Day

By Richard Heroux

For the Veterans of Foreign Wars, May is one of the most important months on the calendar. It’s when America’s focus is on mental health awareness, military appreciation and the approaching, ever-important Memorial Day.

We join you in saluting those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, and we encourage you to take every opportunity to remind America what this sacred holiday is truly about.

Millions of American citizens have come to the aid of our country, preserving our way of life and ensuring our great republic remains strong against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Far too many of the defenders of democracy paid the ultimate sacrifice on battle fields around the world from Bunker Hill to Afghanistan.

We set aside Memorial Day as a tribute to these valiant and courageous members of our armed services that died so that our way of life can continue as our forefathers envisioned.

We hope you’ll join the VFW this month in recognizing the impact of the VFW “Buddy”® Poppy and all those who have selflessly sacrificed for our freedom. We encourage all of you to give unselfishly and share pictures on social media of your Post’s Buddy Poppy drives, what the Buddy Poppy means to you, and who you are remembering this Memorial Day. A brief history of this famous flower is important as it establishes the reason why you see Veterans distributing the “Buddy Poppy” as we honor those who gave their life defending our nation.

Wake Forest Memorial Post 8466, Veterans of Foreign Wars, along with other veteran organizations and civic groups, will be placing an American Flag in front of over 1,600 veteran graves in over 17 cemeteries within Wake Forest and surrounding areas.

Traditionally, a number of civic organizations and scout troops have assisted in this enormous venture. It is a wonderful teaching point for the youth of the community.

We once again encourage family members and neighbors wishing to assist in this effort to decorate graves of departed veteran to assemble at the American Legion building located at 225 East Holding Avenue between the hours of 8-9 a.m. Saturday, May 25, 2024. Groups will be dispatched to the various local cemeteries. The flag decoration undertaking usually take between two to three hours depending on the number of volunteers.

The Memorial Day Ceremony honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom will take place at the Wake Forest Veterans Memorial located on the grounds of the Heritage Golf Course starting at 11 o’clock Monday, May 27, 2024.

There is ample signage on all city roads leading to the Veterans Memorial. Please allow ample time to arrive at the venue prior to the start of the ceremony. Seating will be available to accommodate all who wish to be seated for the ceremony.

The ceremony consists of posting of the colors, military hymns, the National Anthem, speeches, playing of TAPS and laying of a wreath. The entire ceremony should take close to an hour. We encourage you to take every opportunity to remember what this sacred holiday is truly about. American citizens have come to the aid of our country preserving our way of life and ensuring our great republic remains strong advocating a steadfast and resourceful democracy.

