During Tuesday’s town board meeting Commissioner Greg Harrington said he and some others went to Camden, South Carolina recently to see the Wall That Heals on display there. It is the new three-quarter size replica, much larger than the original replica. “We hope to have it at Joyner Park.” Jill Bright, a committee member for the display in October, said over the weekend that the Wall That Heals also has a large trailer with two sizable tents filled with displays and information about the wall. Together they would not fit on the lawn in front of the Calvin Jones House on North Main Street, which was the first choice for the display.
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Also Tuesday evening Commissioner Liz Simpers said the public art commission has an exciting new project. They plan to ask people to design and paint the above-ground sewer outfall covers that “look like giraffes. It’s a really exciting project they have going on.” Details about the project will be released in a couple weeks.
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Mayor Vivian Jones said she had recently lunched with the DAR who were celebrating the 85th anniversary of the General James Moore Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in Wake Forest. It was interesting, she said, to hear the names of the charter members like Susie Powell, who is also remembered for her part in establishing the Wake Forest Garden Club. The house she and her husband built still stands on North Main Street.
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Saturday people on the Wake Forest Cemetery annual tour were greeted by a new concrete driveway from North White Street to the first large intersection in the wooded area of the cemetery. It was built by the crew members in the street division of the town’s public works department and completed just before the tour.
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There is an open seat on the Wake Forest Cultural Resources Advisory Board which advises the commissioners and town staff about initiatives, programs and services related to the town’s cultural arts programming. Members serve at advocates to the community and commissioners in promoting cultural arts programs and initiatives in town.
You can find the online application at www.wakeforestnc.gov/advisory-board-application.aspx. You can get a hard copy of the application by calling or emailing Executive Assistant Cathi Pope at 919-435-9467 or cpope@wakeforestnc.gov. Completed applications must be received by 5 p.m. Friday, June 15. You do not have to be a town resident to serve on this board.
2 Responses
I certainly hope they will have security around the clock for the Wall. I would hate to see it vandalized. With the way things are in our great Country today it could be a target. It would be a disgrace to our community and state. I know there has been several incidents of vandalism at Joyner park in the past.
Stanley, I understand there will be people and security around the Wall every minute it is in Wake Forest. I hear your fears but aside from an aerial attack I think you can be assured it will be safe.