Wake Forest recently completed the installation of new wayfinding and entryway signage at several town-maintained parks and greenways.
The installation completes the first phase of the town’s Wayfinding Plan for Parks and Greenways, which was designed to improve visitors’ experiences in Wake Forest by assisting them in reaching their desired destination. The plan also increases the visibility of the town’s parks and greenways system by emphasizing the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department’s brand and strengthening the community’s sense of place.
Town officials identified the need to develop a wayfinding program as a part of its overall vision in both the Parks & Recreation Master Plan and Open Space & Greenways Plan.
Wake Forest currently maintains 12 parks and 13 miles of greenway within the town limits and unincorporated areas. Through the use of 2014 Bond Referendum proceeds, Phase 1 signage was implemented at Smith Creek Greenway at Burlington Mills, Dunn Creek Greenway, Sanford Creek Greenway, Smith Creek Soccer Center and Greenway, E. Carroll Joyner Park, and J.B. Flaherty Park.
For more information, visit www.wakeforestnc.gov and search “wayfinding.”