USPS statement

This week the USPS Greensboro office, at the request of the Gazette editor, issued the following statement:

“The former Postmaster retired nearly a year ago and presently, Wake Forest has an acting Postmaster, who is committed to providing quality retail services and mail delivery on its 42 routes. The Postal Service continually maintains its facilities to ensure they are safe, convenient and welcoming to customers. Wake Forest customers who have questions about retail services or mail delivery can call the Wake Forest Consumer Affairs Hotline at 336-668-1375.”

The Gazette editor called that number early Wednesday afternoon and a patient man listened to the list of complaints and promised to pass them on to the person in charge of operations.

Last week the editor had asked a media specialist in the Greensboro office for the name of the retired/resigned former postmaster and when he left; the name of the interim postmaster and when he/she was appointed; why thCaere was apparently a gap in management at the Wake Forest office; the number of carrier routes with the number of delivery points for each. He could not deliver the information last week but said he would this week. This week the editor had also asked for a statement from the management in the Greensboro office about the situation in Wake Forest.

However, the statement above is all we will get, he said today.

The editor has called the Charlotte office of U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis and has sent information to a staff member there. There may be a response by next week.



4 Responses

  1. It is good that we have some response to our mail delivery problems. Thank you carol for your follow up. Following the Nextdoor Neighbor website I see that the problem is widespread. Last week did not receive mail past Thursday. Checked twice on Monday and still no mail. But got a pile on Tuesday of this week. Mail that was very important. I also have delivered mail to neighbors several times in the last month. I live in Heritage Spring which has postal banks with our names written inside the box. But still the mail is misdirected.
    What to do?
    Thank you again and I will wait for next week’s edition.

  2. Thank you, Carol. It’s good that we have one local reporter who will try to get to the bottom of things that concern the town and surrounding area.

  3. Hi Carol,
    Here is the latest message I posted on Nextdoor Neighbor (the number of responses is up to 54):
    As Charlie Brown would say: Good grief.
    So far I’ve heard from 46 neighbors about the awful mail delivery service. It’s important to note that everyone seems very happy with the people that provide service at the counter.
    I must admit I had no idea so many others were experiencing missing mail, mail delivered to the wrong mailbox, mail delivered late at night, packages tossed from the mail trucks, packages left on driveways and other places – subject to theft, vandalism, weather, packages too big for mailboxes but stuffed into them anyway……and so on.
    Several people suggested a letter with signatures – tough to do. One person wrote that he had copied all the comments and sent them to the postmaster – don’t know which postmaster. I thought of that but am not good enough with the computer.
    I’m going to try the adverse publicity tactic; that is, sending a list of the problems to local news people to see if one or more will follow up. I’m also sending a notice of the problems and stating that so far I have received 46 responses from dissatisfied customers.
    Thanks everybody! .
    (A new complaint has surfaced regarding hold mail service. The writer informed me that although she had indicated she would pick up her mail at the post office, over a week’s worth of mail was jammed into her mailbox. Her next experience: when she went to the post office they couldn’t find her mail. A day later they did find it, and the stack was half full of mail that didn’t belong to her.)

    1. Concerning your statement: ” I thought of that but am not good enough with the computer.” May the Lord help all bureaucrats around the world if you ever do get “good enough with the computer”!