Help a kid shop with a cop

You have never seen joy and true generosity until you watch a child able to buy Christmas presents – and generally they think of their families and friends before selecting gifts for themselves.

That is what happens every year when the Wake Forest Police Department hosts Shop with a Cop for about 30 Wake Forest-area children. Officer K.C. Warren began the program 18 years ago and it is one of the best traditions in town.

Each child receives a winter coat of his or her choice plus money to buy those presents. It takes place this year Wednesday, Dec. 14, and is followed by a pizza party at the police department.

The department raises money for the event through its golf tournament and other activities, but could use some additional help each year. Send your check to the Wake Forest Police Department, 225 South Taylor Street, Wake Forest NC 27587 or call Officer Warren at 919-554-6150.

