
September 7, 2024

Chilren’s Choir auditions Aug. 30

The Wake Forest Children’s Choir will hold auditions on Tuesday, Aug. 30, at 4:30 p.m. at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre for the Arts, 405 Brooks St. The auditions are open to students in grades 4-9.

Anyone planning to audition must register at http://wfchildrenschoir.org. No previous choral experience is required, and students planning to audition are not required to prepare any material in advance.

Students accepted into the choir will be expected to attend weekly rehearsals on Tuesday evenings from 5-6 p.m. beginning Sept. 6. The choir will perform a number of both evening and weekend concerts.

The cost for tuition is $290, which includes materials.

Comprised of children of all racial, cultural, religious and economic backgrounds, the Wake Forest Children’s Choir offers outstanding young singers in our community the opportunity to learn a variety of high quality choral repertoire, both sacred and secular, and to share it with the community.

For more information, email wfchildrenschoir@gmail.com.


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