
September 7, 2024

Brief Bits

Hooray! The traffic signals at the South Franklin/N.C. 98 Bypass intersection went to blink last week. But what we really need there are totally working lights to direct the traffic. Please, DOT, move rapidly to that status.

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The Gazette was incorrect last week in the number of Wake Forest Power customers as Public Works Director Mike Barton noted in a correction. “Wake Forest Power serves about 6,100 residential customers but overall we serve 7,001 commercial/residential plus 24 Coincidental Peak customers that get billed by Electricities.”

We apologize for the error.

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One Response

  1. Hooray! Another light built on a road meant to move people around quickly. Isn’t that why they built the bypass anyway? To have a quicker route than going through old 98 that was full of stops?

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