
Senior Center this week

On Thursday, Aug. 4, at 10 a.m. seniors can learn about the MEDS Delivery Pharmacy offering home delivery of your medications, and the firm will sponsor bingo at 10:30 a.m. that day.

You can meet with the senior center board of directors, the center director and staff Tuesday, Aug. 9, at noon at an event called Meet, Learn and Share. There will be light refreshments. Members of the board of directors are appointed by the Wake Forest Town Commissioners because the town owns the building, which was made possible by the efforts of many of the town’s older residents in the 1990s.

The next big event at Northern Wake Senior Center is the annual yard sale on Aug. 12 and 13. You can start donating Aug. 9, but be reminded clothing and shoes cannot be accepted.

Volunteers are needed all week to help receive the donations Aug. 9 through 11 and then to staff the sale on Aug. 12 and 13. Sign up at the front desk. All the proceeds benefit the center.

Remember the caregiver and grief support group meets the second Wednesday at 2:30 p.m.

The free health screenings and blood pressure checks are provided at 9:30 each Monday by a variety of local businesses, which are the Franklin Manor, Stay at Home Senior Care and Dr. Casey Baldwin, a pharmacist.

Hearing screenings are provided by Evolution Hearing, and the next screening will be on Tuesday, Aug. 23, from 11 a.m. to noon. Registration is required; call the front desk for an appointment time.

Please see the front office and materials there for all the counseling and assistance programs offered through the senior center. There is one-on-one counseling about eligibility and services for older adults and people with disabilities; there is similar counseling for financial care assistance; and beginning on June 8 there will be a veterans representative at the center on the second Wednesday. There will be a Medicaid counselor on site beginning in July and there will also be a workshop about Medicaid.

There are new classes in Tai Chi for Arthritis, a creative writing class, beginner line dance class, and an adaptive yoga class. Check the schedules for the times for each.

The Northern Wake Senior Center at 235 East Holding Avenue is owned by the Town of Wake Forest with programming and staffing provide by Resources for Seniors. Most programs are free for all. The center is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; the phone is 919-554-4111; the website with full information, including the full calendar, about the senior center and Resources for Seniors is available on computers, smart phones and tablets at www.Resourcesforseniors.com and http://www.wakeforestnc.gov/northern-wake-senior-center.aspx.


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