
September 7, 2024

Few problems with bridge closure

The Wake Forest Police Department said there were few problems Monday, the first day the bridge on Rogers Road was closed for replacement.

“Obviously there were some delays but nothing substantial,” Captain Darren Abbacchi, head of field operations, said in an email. “We have had officers monitoring the area in the morning and afternoons to make sure we are on top of any issues that arise. I believe the prior notice and continued updates from the town assisted in the transition being relatively smooth.”

There were large clear signs about the road closure with directional arrows indicating the turns onto the closed road along with signs farther away indicating the recommended detour routes.

At the bridge on Tuesday a crew from Blythe Construction and a front-end loader were beginning to deconstruct the bridge which was structurally deficient and narrowed traffic to two lanes when most of Rogers Road is five lanes.

It is expected the bridge construction will last through October, and Blythe has 135 days to complete it. It may take longer to complete widening Rogers to five lanes from the bridge to the intersection with Heritage Lake Road and Forestville Road, but that work will be finished with the bridge open and lane closures.


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