
September 8, 2024

Sam’s Club offers $25,000 in grants

The email announcing the breakfast and the program was sent out on Saturday, June 25, and therefore could not be published in the two local weekly newspapers. However, groups which did not learn about the breakfast and program in time to attend can apply for a grant online at www.foundation.walmart.com.

The Sam’s Club in Wake Forest on Royal Cotton Road parallel to Capital Boulevard is expected to open in late summer, perhaps about Sept. 1. The grant program is part of the celebration of that opening. The announcement said that company officials at the meeting would “share insights on the application process as well as other community outreach opportunities available through the Sam’s Club Volunteerism Always Pays program.” Eligible nonprofit organizations must operate on the local level (or be an affiliate/chapter of a larger organization that operates locally) and directly benefit the service area of the facility from which they are requesting funding.

For more information, ask John Engleman with Mitchell Communications Group, John.Engleman@mitchcommgroup.com, 479-305-1665.

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