
September 7, 2024

Senior Center this week

May is Older Americans Month and the slogan for this year is Blaze a Trail.

May 10 is Legislative Advocacy Day at the Northern Wake Senior Center. You can join other members and staff as they visit the area’s representatives and senators at the General Assembly in Raleigh. Wear red to show your support for those programs. The times will be announced soon.

Zumba has returned to the senior center, which thanks the Town of Wake Forest for providing room at the Flaherty Park Center for two months.

Please see the front office and materials there for all the counseling and assistance programs offered through the senior center. There is one-on-one counseling about eligibility and services for older adults and people with disabilities; there is similar counseling for financial care assistance; and beginning on June 8 there will be a veterans representative at the center on the second Wednesday. There will be a Medicaid counselor on site beginning in July and there will also be a workshop about Medicaid.

This week on Thursday, May 5, there are new classes in Tai Chi for Arthritis, a creative wring class, beginner line dance class, and an adaptive yoga class. Check the schedules for the times for each.

Next week on Wednesday, May 11, there will be a new beginner acrylic class, the monthly meeting of the caregiver support group and a breakfast for those people who volunteer at the center and/or for Meals on Wheels. You must sign up by May 9 to attend the breakfast. On Thursday there will be a presentation at 10 a.m. about volunteer opportunities with Crossroad Missions Thrift Store and a new chronic pain management class – a six-week program – from 12:30 to 3 p.m. Friday, May 12, from noon to 4 p.m. an AARP safe driving class will teach defensive driving techniques and more. Registration is required; the cost for AARP members is $15, $20 for nonmembers.

The Northern Wake Senior Center at 235 East Holding Avenue is owned by the Town of Wake Forest with programming and staffing provide by Resources for Seniors. Most programs are free for all. The center is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; the phone is 919-554-4111; the website with full information, including the full calendar, about the senior center and Resources for Seniors is available on computers, smartphones and tablets at www.Resourcesforseniors.com and http://www.wakeforestnc.gov/northern-wake-senior-center.aspx.

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