
September 7, 2024

An inquiring mind

A reader sent in a long list of questions for the editor the other day, and this is a way to share the answers to that inquiring mind’s queries.

The rumor that Publix is looking for a second Wake Forest location is probably just that or wishful thinking. Assistant Planning Director Charlie Yokley said this week: “We haven’t talked to anyone about a second Publix location.”

A tentative opening date for Publix is probably two to three months down the road, out in May if not June. The site is a morass – dirt everywhere with the small retail flex space not yet built. The best indication of a somewhat firm date will be when Publix begins hiring the 100-plus local people to staff the store. They begin hiring about a month before the store opens.

An opening date for Sam’s is dependent on the contractor finishing the work on Capital Boulevard that includes two sets of synchronized traffic signals at Caveness Farm Avenue and the unnamed driveway that will also handle traffic to the site as well as asphalting and finishing the stacking lanes for the intersections. Think May at least, perhaps into June.

The status of the controversial plan for Bobby Murray Chevrolet to relocate to Wake Forest is that the new owner of the car dealership, Capital Automotive Group, answered Wake Forester Stanley Denton’s Facebook question on March 19: At the moment, we are probably a year to 18 months from relocating to Wake Forest. We look forward to serving you!”

Whatever happened to Fifth Third Bank’s plan to locate here? Nothing, we keep being told. Fifth Third still owns the two lots, one on South Main Street and one on Capital Boulevard in the Wake Forest Crossing shopping center (Kohl’s and Olive Garden).

Is Panera Bread planning a location in Wake Forest? Yep, and the word you have on the street is right. No plan has been submitted to the town planning department but they have talked with planners about locating next to the Carolina Ale House, maybe in the parking lot.

Whatever happened to the planned roundabout near the high school? It is still planned as part of the Stadium Drive Complete Street Plan. The state Department of Transportation has authorized acquisition of the right-of-way and the transportation office in the town’s planning department will begin acquiring easements or offering to purchase the needed land to widen the street, build sidewalks and a trail, move parking behind seminary student housing and build the large roundabout where Stadium crosses Wingate and becomes North Avenue, which will be improved and repaved.

The tentative date to reopen West Oak Avenue when the Richland Creek bridge is complete is now April 18, which should be pretty close.

There were several other questions which will be answered later. For a lot of the information this reader was seeking the answers are in the Town of Wake Forest website – just updated, rather nifty looking and easy to search.

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3 Responses

  1. Thank you for all the good information. You wouldn’t happen to know about the plan to put a sidewalk on Forestville Rd from Foundation Drive to Song Sparrow Dr. on the Heritage High School side. This I thought was planned with the Sanford Creek bridge replacement.

    1. There isn’t a plan for a sidewalk, but there is a plan for the continuation of the Sanford Creek Greenway. That is in the 2015-2016 budget.

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