
September 7, 2024

Another large subdivision

Next Tuesday night the Wake Forest Planning Board will consider a 100-acre subdivision that could contain 248 single-family homes or, at 2.5 people per household, 620 new town residents.

The current name is Westford Place, and it will stretch from Wait Avenue to Jones Dairy Road with entrances/exits on both roads. The Wait Avenue entrance will be just east of the two entrances to what was called Wellington Trailer Park, now renamed Deerfield Crossing Mobile Home Park. The Jones Dairy Road entrance will be just north of the bridge and the intersection of Chalk Road.

George Mackie owns the land, and has had the original development plan changed to keep most of the mobile home park untouched. Only six of the trailers will be affected, with the possibility that the development could be done in a way that would not touch them.

Eighteen percent of the land will be in open space – 2.5 percent of that improved and the rest unimproved – because of an existing pond and two streams. The new subdivision will cuddle up to Bowling Green subdivision on two sides, and Bob Zumwalt with the John R. McAdams Company has planned that a little cul-de-sac of seven lots on the Mackie property east of one of those streams will only be accessible by vehicle from Main Divide Drive in Bowling Green or by a pedestrian bridge over the stream. The transportation impact analysis recommended only adding left-turn lanes and stacking lanes for right turns on both roads.

This is a legislative hearing for the rezoning from RD, rural holding district, to GR 10 (CD), general residential 10 conditional 10 district, and RMX(CD) residential mixed use conditional district. The planning board will also consider the master plan for the project.

The second request for the evening is much smaller. Mark Iafrate and his company, Elm Avenue Townes LLC, want to rezone two lots at the intersection of Elm Avenue and South Allen Road from general residential to residential mixed use conditional district, RMX(CD), to allow for the construction of a seven-unit townhouse development. The master plan for that will be presented for approval later. The two lots, 0.69 acres together, are just east of the Avondale townhouse development. The one house at 152 South Allen Road is empty and will be demolished.

This is also a legislative hearing because of the rezoning. The planning board and the town board will hear the presentations by the owners and developers and any interested town resident. You will not have to be sworn in to speak for or against either project.

The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 1, in the round council chamber on the second floor.

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2 Responses

  1. Where will the Planning Board meeting take place on March 1. ? I see the Town Board will have their work session at the Wireless Center. Does that mean that they will later rush over to Town Hall for the Planning meeting?

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