
September 7, 2024

Brief Bits

The Wake Forest Town Board is taking its show on the road – or at least down the road. First, the Tuesday, March 1, work session will not even be in town hall. Instead, the commissioners and town staff will be at the Wireless Research Center of North Carolina at 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 1. The meeting will begin at the usual 5:30 p.m. and the board and staff will return to town hall in time for the planning board meeting at 7:30 p.m.

Lee Worsley, the executive director for the Triangle J Council of Governments, will give a presentation, and the board will review the Wireless Center, which the town helped with start-up funds.

After that, on Tuesday, March 8, the town board will hold a work session about the Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) at 5:30 p.m. but they will do so in the ground floor training room at town hall. After those changes, they will probably return to the usual place, the second floor council chamber.


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On Thursday, March 10, Jennifer Carlson, RN CHPN, Director of Operations at the Amedisys Hospice in Franklinton, will be guest speaker for the Wake Forest Civitan Club. The club meets at The Forks Cafeteria. Carlson will speak at 7 p.m. Members and guests who wish to eat dinner can do so at 6:30 p.m.

Carlson’s presentation will be focused on end-of-life healthcare options:  hospice care,  eligibility criteria, services and supplies provided by hospice, the Medicare Hospice Benefit and volunteer opportunities to support projects and/or direct patient care.

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Local youth and adult community organizations are being invited by the Wake Forest Board of Commissioners to lead them and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of each board meeting, which are held the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the council chamber on the second floor of Wake Forest Town Hall.

Wake Forest-area sports teams, church groups, civic clubs, scouts, and other groups are encouraged to sign up for a meeting. To do so, call Commissioner Jim Thompson at 919-417-4217 or email to jthompson@wakeforestnc.gov.

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Lane closures began on the N.C. 98 Bypass (Dr. Calvin Jones Highway) last week as crews work to extend the northern portion of Siena Drive to the bypass.

The far right lane for westbound traffic has been closed each weekday, but that will end tomorrow, Thursday, Feb. 25, when the left and center turn lane for westbound traffic will be closed to prevent drivers from turning left into the Cimarron subdivision. It will also prevent drives from turning left out of Cimarron onto the bypass.

There will be lots of signs and flaggers to warn drivers of the work will continue until Wednesday, March 2.

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A reader wrote, concerned that the Bobby Murray car dealership was backing out of plans to build a new facility on east side of Capital Boulevard where there is now a golf driving range.

No, said Assistant Planning Director Charlie Yokley: “I have spoken to the site designer recently and they indicated that the project was still moving forward, just a little slower than they thought.”

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The Gazette was incorrect last week in saying that the Town of Wake Forest paid for only half the cost of the new town clock, $25,730. The town really paid the full cost from the unspent South White Streetscape funds.

Finance Director Aileen Staples wrote in an email this week: “I just wanted to be clear that the unspent funds from the streetscape were being used to fund the total cost of the clock. The information I provided to the Board at the retreat on the loan proceeds showed the balance due for the clock ($12,685) as we had already paid the first installment.” The editor apologizes for the misinformation.

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Johanna Trotter is the new owner of Next Consignment Boutique on South White Street in the historic downtown area. Go in and say hello to welcome her to Wake Forest.

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The Sanford Creek Greenway is closed for maintenance on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., but it is open on weekends. It will remain closed through Friday, March 4, to allow crews to pressure wash the greenway to remove mold and mildew.

One portion of the greenway will be closed at a time beginning at the Fawn Lily Drive trailhead and proceeding along the entire boardwalk. Construction fencing will be installed during the closure.

For more information, contact Park Superintendent Josh Glover at 919-554-6184 or jglover@wakeforestnc.gov.

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