
September 7, 2024

Gazette takes the week off

Dear readers,

As I have done in past years, I will take the week after Christmas as vacation and will not publish the Gazette. I need some rest, and since many other people take vacation at this time, local news is sparse aside from traffic accidents and other distressing events.

I’ll get a tooth implant to replace one I broke, and maybe my husband and I will find a way to clean the office and discard at least half the paper that clutters both our desks and all other surfaces. We’ll take down the tree and store away all the Christmas decorations until next year; we’ll try to visit with the grandchildren, though they are busy with their own lives these days; and we’ll visit with friends.

I’ll read. The current books are Ron Chernow’s “Alexander Hamilton” and James Shapiro’s “A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare 1599.” And I’ll probably knit a bit.

I hope all of you have a happy holiday time, and I’ll be back in 2016.

Carol Pelosi

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One Response

  1. I look forward to the Gazette. I enjoy the stories especially keeping the public informed on all of the building that is taking place. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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