
September 7, 2024

Be polite on the greenways

Due to the unseasonably warm weather, greater numbers of people are using Wake Forest’s trails and greenways. The town’s greenways are for the recreation and enjoyment of all residents. As such, it is important for all users to share the trail.

To help improve everyone’s experience and safety when walking, jogging or biking, the Town of Wake Forest strongly encourages all trail users to abide by the following safety guidelines:

  • Be Courteous, Share the Trail & Keep Right: Please help us make the trail a friendly environment for all trail users by not blocking the path. Walk and bike on the right side of the trail to facilitate two-way traffic and use caution when passing other trail users. All trail users should respect other users regardless of their mode, speed or level of skill. Parents, please keep children from wandering into oncoming trail lanes to avoid accidents.
  • Pedestrians Have the Right of Way: Faster moving trail users, such as bicyclists, rollerbladers, and skate boarders should yield to walkers and joggers. When the trail is busy, ride single file.
  • Communicate Before Passing:Give a clear warning signal before passing. Signal may be produced by voice, bell, or horn. A bicyclist should politely yell, “On your left” before passing to alert those in front of them. Be aware that other people may want to pass you.
  • Pass On the Left: Pass others going in your direction on their left. Look ahead and back to make sure the lane is clear before you pull out. Pass with ample separation. Do not move back to the right until safely past.
  • Maintain a Safe Speed: A 10-mph speed limit has been imposed on the greenway trails, so please self-monitor your speed. Also, please slow down when rounding curves, passing other trail users, traveling downhill, where the trail narrows, approaching intersections or when conditions dictate. Bicyclists will typically be the fastest traffic on a trail. If your speed endangers other trail users, check for alternative routes or consider riding on the road. Selecting the appropriate location for your ride is safer and more enjoyable for all concerned.
  • Use Caution at Street Crossings & Intersections: Please slow and stop at all street crossings and use caution when proceeding into the intersection, even when using a marked crosswalk.
  • Keep Pets on Short Leashes & Remove Pet Waste: Dogs are welcome on the trail, but please keep them on a short leash in order to keep the trail safe for all users. Additionally, please pick-up after your pet. Bags are provided along the trail for waste removal, please deposit full bags in trash receptacles.
  • Respect Trail Environment: Do not disturb the wildlife or the many native plants and wildflowers that grow along the greenways.
  • Respect Private Property, Stay on Trail: Please stay on the paved and marked trail adjacent to private property at all times.
  • Be Safe: Because paths may be unlighted and somewhat secluded, it’s good to consider only using them in daylight hours and/or traveling with a companion.
  • Wear a Helmet: Trail users under the age of 16 must wear a safety helmet when biking, skating, or using a scooter or other non-motorized vehicle. But regardless of age, it’s always smart to wear them when on any public road, lane, or greenway.
  • No Motorized Vehicles: Motorized vehicles are not allowed on the greenways at any time. However, please note that in order to maintain the trail you may occasionally encounter maintenance vehicles and lawn mowers on and alongside the trail.
  • No alcoholic beverages: The consumption of alcoholic beverages on all greenways and on all town property is prohibited.
  • Bring a Buddy: Greenway users are encouraged to walk or jog with a companion and make sure to carry a cell phone.

Finally, in an emergency, call 911. Report non-emergency concerns to the Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Department at 919-435-9560 or 919-554-6184.

Remember, most accidents can be avoided if everyone exercises common sense. Be aware, be polite, and enjoy our community’s trails and greenways.


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