
September 7, 2024

WFPD: Two pleas for help

Turkeys needed for Thanksgiving and funds for Shop with a Cop

Donations – cash and checks – have picked up a bit this month, Wake Forest Officer M.W. Sattler said this week, but more would be appreciated to help the department be able to donate 700-plus turkeys to area families for Thanksgiving.

You can donate the money through Saturday, Nov. 21, and also on that day you can donate frozen turkeys at the Wake Forest Police Department, 225 South Taylor Street, from 9 a.m. to noon.

The turkeys will be distributed Monday, Nov. 23, from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Wake Forest Community House at 133 West Owen Avenue. They will be given away as long as the supply lasts.

You can reach Officer Sattler at 919-795-7270 if you have questions. He organized the department’s first turkey drive in 2007, and since then officers have distributed nearly 4,000 turkeys to needy families, including more than 700 in 2014.

Make children happy

But do not stop giving so soon, because Christmas is coming fast and members of the police department want to make sure it is a happy one for about 30 local children. For the seventeenth year, since 1999, Officer K.C. Warren has been organizing Shop with a Cop every Christmas season, and this year’s shopping spree will take place Wednesday, Dec. 16.

The children will go to the department and be paired with their police officer “partners” and then driven to the Wake Forest Wal-Mart. Each child will be given $175 to spend on a winter coat and other items they choose. Afterward, everyone will enjoy a pizza party.

Shop with a Cop was created to help less fortunate boys and girls in the Wake Forest area experience a joyous Christmas. Since1999, the program has helped well over 400 local children. The Wake Forest Police Department raises money for Shop with a Cop by sponsoring several fundraisers each year. The police department also accepts donations from area citizens, churches, civic groups and merchants.

Any individual or organization wishing to make a contribution to this year’s Shop with a Cop should contact Officer K.C. Warren at 919-554-6150 or kwarren@wakeforestnc.gov.

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