
September 7, 2024

Road Roundup

The date for the replacement bridge on West Oak Avenue has been changed again, this time from Oct. 14 to Oct. 26. There will be a message board announcing the road closing about two weeks before work begins.

In other bridge news, work on the new bridge on Forestville Road is still on schedule despite the recent rains and the bridge and road are expected to open early in December.

The work on the West Oak bridge will take longer than the other local bridge replacements – until April of next year – because most of it being done during the winter. The contractor anticipates demolishing the existing bridge and constructing the new one during this fall, but will have to wait until spring weather for the grading and paving needed to complete the project.

The detour for this work uses Harris Road and North Main Street. Find out more about the four projects at www.wakeforestnc.gov/operationbridgeexchange.aspx.

The dates for the replacement bridge on Rogers Road are now April 4 to Aug. 16 of next year, though the dates are subject to change.

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One town street project is about ready for construction – Caddell Street. The construction plans are ready, all easements have been acquired and bids for the construction were opened Sept. 22. Caddell has been a one track dirt street running south from Spring Street and jogging east to meet Pearce Street.

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Two town street improvement projects are stalled while right-of-way is purchased. Negotiations are underway with the nine affected property owners for the Ligon Mill widening from South Main Street to just west of the entrance to Walmart. Town staff does not yet have authorization from the state to begin meeting with property owners along Stadium Drive. Stadium Drive will be transformed to a complete street with sidewalks and trails, bus pullouts, lighting and a roundabout at the intersection with Wingate Street and North Avenue.

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Also work is progressing on the plan for sidewalks and a multi-use path along Wait Avenue from Allen Road to Hillside Nursing Center, and there is a revision which will allow pedestrians to get to Traditions Grande Avenue.

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The 500-foot extension of Grandmark Avenue is not stalled, but the town’s engineering department is waiting for an agreement with the City of Raleigh because it owns the nearby water and sewer lines. When built the street section will connect dead-end Capcom Avenue to Rogers Road and a signalized intersection with South Main Street. The construction will take place in 2016.



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