
September 7, 2024

Brief Bits

Want to see how downtown Wake Forest might look in future years? A number of well-regarded local architects will be spending Saturday, Oct. 10, creating plans for the future use of some downtown buildings. In the afternoon, they will display the results for everyone interested from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the ground floor meeting room most accessible from Taylor Street. It is a free drop-in event.

The idea for the Downtown Design Workshop is a collaboration between Wake Forest Downtown and the Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce in hopes of spurring more businesses to locate in the historic South White Street area.

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People have apparently given up asking when Fifth Third Bank intends to build on the two lots it owns, one on Capitol Boulevard near The Olive Garden and one at the corner of South Main Street and Capcom Avenue. Either the sign on South Main announcing it would be the future home for a Fifth Third Bank is gone or it has been there so long it is just part of the landscape.

Anyway, Senior Planner Charlie Yokley said this week there has been no further action on the bank’s part.

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Here one day, gone the next – or so it seems for the house that once stood at 435 Wait Avenue, a white cottage with a big front porch that was once the home of Roy and Juanita Powell or owned by them. But he died and much later she died and now the heirs have sold it to Grosvenor Investments LLC, an international real estate investment firm.

Cecil Holcomb Renovations paid $65 to tear down the house and the garage behind it. The zoning is UMX, meaning it is an urban area with a mix of residential and commercial uses, but Charlie Yokley, a senior planner with the Wake Forest Planning Department, said this week no application for a new use and a new building has been submitted.

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No need to worry about drought this fall, and we are thankful we do not have flooding our neighbors to the south have experienced and may suffer from for many more days.


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