
National Night Out set for Aug. 4

The Wake Forest Police Department (WFPD) is encouraging area residents, businesses, neighborhood groups and homeowners associations to show their support for police-community crime prevention partnerships by participating in this year’s National Night Out on Tuesday, Aug. 4.

National Night Out (NNO) teams law enforcement agencies with citizens, community leaders, civic groups and local businesses to promote safe, healthy neighborhoods. The NNO observance, always held on the first Tuesday in August, is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness; generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs; strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and send a message to criminals letting them know neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.

The WFPD is marking this special occasion by hosting a National Night Out “Street Party” from 5 to 7:30 p.m. in town hall’s Centennial Plaza and along Brooks Street in downtown Wake Forest. Town hall is located at 301 S. Brooks St.

The event promises something for everyone, including a DJ, food and special prizes, and fire, police and EMS vehicle displays, along with a variety of booths highlighting crime prevention and safety.

The police department will sponsor a child identification booth where parents can have their children photographed and fingerprinted. Community crime prevention officers will be on hand distributing information on topics such as vehicle security, home security, and personal safety. The police department will also offer a K-9 demonstration and D.A.R.E. presentation and share information on Neighborhood Watch, Special Olympics and much more.

Several new and exciting changes will be introduced during this year’s event, including a short program recognizing all of the town’s Neighborhood Watch groups.

In addition, the police department is encouraging all current and former D.A.R.E. graduates to attend wearing their D.A.R.E. T-shirts. Those who do will receive coupons for free items at local stores and be eligible to win special prizes. In addition, all the D.A.R.E. graduates in attendance will assemble in Centennial Plaza at 7 p.m. for a group photo.

For more information on National Night Out, visit www.wakeforestnc.gov/national-night-out.aspx or contact Officer Scott Graham at 919-761-3132 or sgraham@wakeforestnc.gov.

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