
September 7, 2024

Brief Bits

Concern about drought locally eased in the last week with frequent thunderstorms and showers. As a result, all of Wake County except a slice along the northern edge – Wake Forest and maybe Rolesville – is in white. The yellow slice on the northern side, which goes north to include all of Franklin County, indicates we are abnormally dry. I think that is probably abnormally dry in spots where the thunderstorms did not hit.

However, the moderate drought continues from Charlotte up to the Triad. Keep track yourself at http://www.ncwater.org/Drought_Monitoring/.

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Four new members were recently elected to the Koinonia Foundation board of directors: Randy Ball, Ruth Ann Dyer, Denise Munz and Dr. Bill Slater. They will serve three-year terms.

“We are delighted to have these new members and look forward to their participation and leadership as we continue to move forward with the Koinonia Foundation and its mission within the greater community,” Bob Hill, president of the Koinonia board, said.

Go to www.koinoniawf.org  for information about the  philanthropic group and its  focus this year, which includes providing funds for two BackPack Buddies programs and the Rolesville High School Pantry.

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