
September 7, 2024

Brief Bits

If you just love a parade and especially one on the Fourth of July, then you need to know there is a second local patriotic parade on Saturday at a convenient time. Kathy Fuerst with the Rolesville Buzz says, “This year Rolesville is having a patriotic parade on July 4th at 4 p.m. It is free to participate. Let me know if you know of anyone who would like to walk or ride in the parade.” Send her a note at kathy.fuerst@rolesvillebuzz.com.

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David and Suzanne Lucey will take ownership today, July 1, of what has been Drew Bridges’ Story Tellers Bookstore on South White Street. The new name is Page 158 Books, and the grand opening will be the weekend of Oct. 1-3. In the meantime, on July 14, they plan an event around the release date for Harper Lee’s second book, “Go Set a Watchman.”

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The Wake Forest commissioners and mayor along with new Town Manager Kip Padgett and town staff members will hold their annual mid-year retreat Friday, Sept. 25, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Renaissance Centre. They will also meet, if necessary, Saturday, Sept. 26, from 8 a.m. to noon.

Like all other town board meetings except closed sessions the retreat is open to the public. If you do plan to attend, please call or email Town Clerk Deeda Harris about your intentions: dharris@wakeforestnc.gov, 919-435-9413.

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Several of the athletic fields at Heritage High School and the soccer fields at the Smith Creek Soccer Center will be closed for seasonal maintenance tomorrow, Thursday, July 2, from 6:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. They will be sprayed for weeds to prepare them for the upcoming summer and fall programs and activities.

There will be signs near the fields telling people that the fields are closed. People are urged to stay off the fields to avoid damage to the turf which could possibly require longer closure.

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